today I made some delicious whole-grain dark bread :)
the recipe is really for making 4 bread, but then they become so small and thin, kinda...
but this time I only made 2 breads but with the same recipe and they turned out perfectly!!! You live you learn is my saying... :)
I am amazed how fast time sometimes run... it´s like you are in the middle of some storm and you are trying to hold back time... but the clock is just going faster and faster... or things are just flying past you and you try to grab them and hold them there for JUST a minute longer.... hmmm sounds like a nightmare...
I think I found my medicine in those hectic times - to make something that takes time... Like whole-grain dark bread takes 2 days - 1st day is preparation and it´s fast done. Day 2 is work - but the bread has to rest 3 times, one hour each time... so it´s like 4 hours later the bread is finished, but then it tastes REAL good :) mmmm
I like food that takes time to make - reminds me of life - Rome wasn´t built in a day, a baby lies in the mothers womb for 9 months, a coffee tree bear fruit when it´s 3 to 6 years old... Good things take time!!!
and at last - to study theology takes TIME!!! to study anything a get a Master or a profession in something takes time, it does not fall from the sky in a packet ready to use... IT TAKES TIME!!
Du har så rett så rett min venn, ting tar tid :) Underveis e det viktig å kose seg, slappe av og passe på seg selv :)